Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 2:16 AM
Annyonghaseyo (: Ok, enul.I'm done editing your blog, fuuh.It took me nearly two hours to edit your blog and you should be thankful to me, i know i'm such a n i c e person (: no, kidding. haa. Sorry kalau tak lawa. I just do anyhow. Learn how to edit your blog, enul. Cey, krng aja sey aku. I shall stop talking now. Au revoir :D
Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 12:52 AM
Annyonghaseyo (: Mas here.Yes, i'm updating for Enul as he was very lazy to update his own blog and here i am, dengan berbesa hati updating for him. He's been busy lately with his 'idontknowbusiness'. Oh well, what should i divulge about? O.o As for your information, he's b o t a k after coming back from Haji.I can't stop laughing webcaming with him with his hairless head. Ok, why am i talking rubish here? Alright , enough of my folly. Oh what a mundane day -____- Seriously, i don't know whatta type right at this point of second. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. He's such a facetious and altruistic person. Haa (:
Anyway Enul, be diligent and update this blog frequently (; i guess i've talked a bunch of rubish here as i dnt have any idea of what to elaborate.Gamsahamida ;D
1st JULY 09
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 11:57 PM
niari 1 july..=))happy berthday to NATASHA .!!16 years old dis year..smoga panjang umur..ingt ingt kiterang slalu. .aitezz..another 6 more days come to my special day..=)) its my berthday ..! hehe.. =)) da baca kan,so jgn lupe present..hehe...kidding..tapi kalo nk bagi ,ape salahnye..! ainkk.! hehe..=))so pasal niari mwning i went to pasar wit my mum sambil sms fyqa ,buy fish,sayur,makan sume..den balik mkn sume. hehe... . =)) n now i update my blog.hehe. .im trying my besh to make myself strong wit wat had happen yesterday .tk mengapa happy alwayz . .=))erm,friday goint out to tasha berthday party..woohoo.! tapi blm tau arh. .tngok how..atau plan g sentosa wit all my ex fuchun...kla..till sumee..
friday,monday n tues.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 @ 6:02 AM
went to meet syafie at coz way. .&& den meet dinie . .den we went to tamp intchange took 168 ..after reach, we walked to tamp stadium && den meet raja adli. ex loyanis. .den we went to the stadium . to watch the loyang sec sports day. . saw aika after went in . .&& saw their frend..den saw WENNII NOOR .my ite schoolmates. .hahakz...den when to tmpt duduk2 untuk watch orng lari2...hahakz..den saw syahirah sec 5 running. .den,saw WENNII NOOR plk running. hahakz.
den after that, DM loyang MR NADENNNN. . .HALAw kiterang oii.!
alermak..punya la geram. . . .!!
die kata kite bkn loyanis. .
sedih seh kene kluar .. lagi.! bile otw jln kluar..jalan fanatic arh siol.! hahas.geram nye pasall.! hahakz..bile ngh jln ke kluar..den saw my ex . NAQIYAH.!!! with her sweat n rambut masai die. . .hahakz..baru abes lari la kann. .hahakz..da tak masuk silat lagi,lari pun jadii arh. . asl kan lari SENONOH sikit daripada silat..ahahakz. .
den go out from the gate.. we fanatic sikit kat luar ..hahakz.sbb masih geram..den kiterang stare NADEN..hahakz..kekek siol. . den i took MILO cup . .hahakz. .main ambek je..padahal tu untuk bdk2 loyang aje sehh.hahakz NEver saw syuhadah arh sey.@=(((
monday 6/4/09
on the 11.45 ahmad syafie called me . . ask whether got plan or not. . den i said takda. .i ask him to koll another 5 minits..coz ngh nk pk. . den after he called back,i said to him..we lepak2 main guitar suaa kat behind my blokk. . den i met him around 12 pluss. . .den we played guitar sumee..lagu2 jiwangz sumee.hahakz. . den part main main guitar sume,abeh alih2 hujan lebat seh. .den around 3 .30 faz,shira,afiq ,saif went to tmpt kite.lepak sesama..dorang record lagu sume. .den went home around 4 o'clock..go solat zohor n asar..den wen out back..go meet zullkarnaen,g teman him go makan kat woodland lama..den we walked to our takraw court. . den met yng lain sume..pasang net sume..den main takraw until 10 o'clock. .unttil lights off..den we went home. .
Tuesday 7/4/09
today wake up around 11 plus..den around 1 plus siap2 n went out with mum to coz way point..we bought present for my sis nye anak. . den went to pastamania..n eat pasta && pizzas. .then went to bazaar kat tepi coz way point..den bought food for home . den sambil jalan2 dlm bazaar..saw INAA ,den die leh tanye lagi " ni enul ehk.??" den i said " tak la,salah orng kott" hahakz..
den die sengeh2 sumee..hahakz.! cute pe.! hahas. .
den when buy food jalan2 lagi,den saw ina again. sengeh2 je.! hahakz...
den we us went home took taxi. . =))
SkOOL time. .
Saturday, January 17, 2009 @ 8:12 AM
SKOOL time in simei.!! hahakz. .
gerekz.! !
haha. .
kwn2 baru . .
haha. .
Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 8:30 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 8:11 AM
Niari PULak Skola macam Biasa smpi PUkUL 12.40pm. .den terus kluar skola ,terus naik bus n mrt g paya lebar jumpe erakuz. .den g singapore post kat sana ambek dorang sume . .den patah balik mrt . .g bugiz. . .itu pun tkde mood sangat jln2. .sbb enth la. Secret.hahahas. .
den g banquet sume .duduk sorang2 kat 1 corner kat raffles hospital nye sitting corner. baca surat khabar (mentang2 la tkde mood sngt) hahakz. .sambil era's n frend makan kat banquet. .lama plk tu dorang mkn 1 jam lebih. .after dat,abeh g duduk kat mrt bugiss kat atas, we postpone naik train 5 kali gitu. . .
hahakz.tkde keje la kann .sbb era tk nk bngn.berat bontot nk bngn. . den zai kan tkde mood sngt.zai jln2 sana sini kat bugis nye mrt bawa. hahakz. .den bile da masuk mrt. . abeh ternampak satu mlayu laki ni umu dalam 20 or 20 plus gitu. .FuhhYoo.! pki dlm baju pink. .gelang pink.rantai tasbih besar nye color putih,stokin panjang,kasut belang2,seluar silver ketat,abeh pki make up grey grey kat muke,pki lipstick red . fUuh.! da mcm pompan .tapi muke ngn rambut laki . .abeh korang tau tak ape. . .Era g duduk kat sebelah die plk tu . .Sengaja.! hahakz. . aku yng malu bile tengok era duduk sebelah tu bangkak. (abgakak) ni ina nye nama untuk tu laki.hahakz. abeh at last si bangkak turun kat simei tk salah. .den ina turun kat eunos.n me n era go turun kat pasir ris. .den go lepak2. .den balik . .den after isyak plk g masjid,denga ceremah ustaz fouzy ngn mak bapa ku. . .
den balik,den terus buka com . .hahakz. .
esok plk lepas skola g ITe ang mo kio. .nak antar form registration form.
form untuk our course nex year. .
hahakz. .
1st choice -fitness training-kat bukit batok n clementi .
2nd choice n 3rd choice rasa2 nk ambek course kat ite simei.
harap2 dpt masuk ni fitness training untuk nex year. . .amin.!hahakz..
i will post again tomorow..
insya'allah.HEhe. . .